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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Best Payday Loans Companies

Payday loans, sometimes referred to as cash advance loans, have received quite a bit of bad press, but when used properly, a pay day loan can have a definite upside. A short term financial bind can happen to a lot of people and being able to get a small loan quickly can save you money by avoiding costly late fees or overdraft charges. Sure, $50 is a steep price to pay for a $300 payday loan, but if it means you are able to get your rent check, house payment, or car payment in on time and avoid the hefty late fees and possible damage to your credit score, it is more than worth it.

1 - Check City
2- BadCreditLoansWire
3- Metro Cash Loan
4- Advance America
5- Paydays Lead
6- PayDay One
7- UsaQuickPayDay
8- Check Into Cash
9- Wonga
10- 100DayLoans

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Importance of Marketing to Existing Clients

Every business-to-business sales organization can spend a generous amount of money developing new prospects and leads to add new customers. However, many industrious businesses already know that the secret to increasing sales is to cross-sell or up-sell existing clientele. Just look at how well the fast food chains have learned to engage existing customers. When was the last time you visited a drive-through when the order-taker didn't suggest up-sizing your order or adding a dessert? Cultivating current customers offers the opportunity to maintain long term success. With your current customers as a captive audience it provides a quicker sales cycle or turn-around time.

Cross selling and up selling is all about building a relationship with already existing clients. With this method, it can become much more cost effective than always looking for new customers who may or may not be interested in your product or service. Introducing new products or services will be much easier and most likely much more successful to sell.
Successful businesses know that when they provide their customer with more products and more services they are building customer loyalty. They are nurturing a base that continually depends on them for products and services and would not even consider the competition.
This is a service that a Lead Generation Company can easily handle for your business. They take existing clients and promote new products to enhance customer spending. Because cross-selling and upselling is ten times easier and more cost effective than attracting new clients, it is a necessary avenue to grow your business. When selecting the company to help you increase your sales leads, it is imperative that they have a proven track record of multi-channel marketing options to target the right products for the right customers with the right methods.
A Lead Generation Company will become as familiar with your business, products and existing customers as you are - if not more. It will determine if your current customers have needs you are not serving. It is also possible that your customers do have the need being served by your competition only because they did not know you offered the product or service. Lead generation services will promote your product or service for you, keeping marketing costs lower and making your sales team more effective.
Most business owners have heard the term multi-channel marketing but may not be aware how this can help with increasing sales. A Lead Generation Company that excels at multi-channel marketing will translate customer information into customer intelligence. With this intel they will be able to target lead generation. A good multi-channel marketing program will utilize several different vehicles to reach the customer. Customer are everywhere and in order to get your message to the business buyer you need to be where they are and where they can respond. Multi-channel marketing gives the potential customers the opportunity to say "yes" and make a purchase no matter where they are or what time of the day it is. In today's climate it can be by mobile app, social media, Internet, personal contact, letters, texts, e-mails, direct mail, etc.
Attracting new clients would comparatively take more effort and would be costly as well. Thus, cross selling and up selling should not be neglected in any kind of business. In order to achieve success, you need to provide great service consistently to the clients. Any business would be hurt drastically if the focus would be only on getting new clients and not retaining old ones. A loyal customer is the key to success in any business and your business would reap huge benefits by doing so.
The ultimate goal is to grow your company through sales. The best way to do this is to utilize all opportunities available. Contact a lead generation company today and make the most of your current customers and their loyalty to you.
As your outsourced marketing partner, Latus Lead Generation finds your B2B sales leads, develops multi-channel marketing campaigns and provides the marketing automation platform to let you see and track everything that we do. We put your company in places buyers look, and in ways which are engaging and keep them coming back to you.
Curious how many buyers are searching for your products or services? We can tell you. Click the link below, answer a few questions, and we'll get to work creating a completely customized report letting you know how many highly qualified leads we can get for you, your potential sales growth, and your return on investment - all at no cost.

Why Web Hosting Is Important

When creating a website for your business, you should go flat out to get professional web hosting services. That will come with the guarantee of getting value in return. Any time you have such need of creating a website, you should make sure that getting a quality web hosting services are top on your list for very many reasons. Depending on the service you settle for, there is always a dedicated support, in case issues relating to your server develop. With a reliable web host, such issues will not take long before being addressed.
Problems solved quickly
Remember that your website will be at high risk if these problems stay for long without being fixed. You must have a dedicated and reliable web host for your business website. When it comes to content, you will have no limitations on the amount of content to use but it has to be of high quality. That is another benefit to get from web hosting. You can come up with as many pages as you may wish, choose relevant topics and use the right language for your visitors.
Those are some of the critical aspects that a web host will never overlook. There are limitless designs and layouts to choose from for your website. Unlike in self-hosting where you are limited to just your creativity, web hosting services ensure you have all the resources to make an informed selection. You will be able to choose the right layout that matches well with the type of website that you intend to create.
There is always the challenge of storing websites and their contents, but this is not a big problem with hosting services. The self-hosted websites face big problem when there are videos and images-accompanying content because they limit the storage space. When you opt for web hosting, you will have a site that does not offer limitations for space. You can add text, video and audio files as well as images to your website and enjoy it to the best.
Easy management
Web hosts use highly advanced technologies and platforms to make sure websites run in the right way and maintain high levels of professionalism. There will be minimal chances of your website going down or crashing even under high traffic. A hosted website will be able to run without its quality or content being compromised in any way. Thanks to proper management.
Do you know that it's possible to customize your website? That is another key benefit that comes with hosting services. It allows you to design your website the way you want it to look like and reflect your real wishes. Customizing the website will make sure it aligns well to your business in all aspects.
Above all that, there is improved efficiency when you seek hosting services for your business site. You will be using the best software programs, servers and reliable technical support to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Health Insurance - Keep You And Your Bank Account Healthy

Nothing can be more important than maintaining a good health. Nowadays, people are getting more cautious about their health owing to the changing trends of their lifestyle. Like every sphere of life, there are chances of uncertainty in health as well. You can get sick anytime or can be attacked by some major illness and can even meet an accident. Whatever the case may be, once you come across either of these events the cost of hospital fees could lessen your savings to an extent or can even put you to the phase of bankruptcy. This is where health insurance comes into picture.

Buying an health insurance may cost you a lot, however not having it at all can cost you even more. Medical bills incurred from major illness or accidents can ruin you financially. Having a proper insurance for yourself or for your family can help you pay for surgeries, regular medical check ups and even emergency treatments.
Types of Health Insurance
Generally, there are two types of health insurance plans. One is the indemnity plan and the other is managed care plan.
1. Indemnity Plan - It offers wider freedom and flexibility. However, it does not pay for the entire charges. This kind of plan only covers accidents and illness whereas preventive care including flu and birth control are not covered by it. Moreover, the coverage of prescription drugs and psychotherapy costs will depend entirely on the policy and the company.
2. Managed Care Plan - Under this plan, you can avail services of a limited number of hospitals and laboratories, who have contracts with the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). This plan covers both preventive care as well as mental health treatment.
Advantages of Health Insurance
A comprehensive health insurance not only works as a complete coverage package for your health, but also offers many other benefits to you. A few among them have been listed below:
1. Low Deductibles - This benefits you as the insurer in lots of ways and reduces the expenses to be paid for by you.
2. Dental Insurance - Having a good dental insurance can help you to pay most of your regular checkups and cleanings and also a portion of other dental works such as fillings and crowns. This will help you in saving a significant amount of your money.
3. Mental Health Evaluations And Treatment - Counseling, diagnosis and mental health medications are also covered by health insurance thereby saving a lot of your money.
4. Large Pool of Physicians In Network - Health insurance policy offers you the freedom of choosing the best doctor from a long list of physicians. So you can enjoy the quality care and benefits of having the same doctor every time.
5. Regular Eye Screenings - By grabbing this benefit, you can detect various eye-issues such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Cataracts at an early stage. If these issues are found at their beginning stage, it can be treated much more easily treated. This will help you to improve or at least preserve your eyesight.

How To Raise Money to Start Business and Where to Get Money for Business

The common questions for anyone who want to start business are: How to raise money to start business, and where to get money for my business?

To raise money to start business is not as difficult as most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have an idea that can make you and your backers rich. Actually, there's more money available for new business ventures than there are good business ideas. We will help you for where you can get money for business.
A very important rule of the game to learn: Any time you want to raise money, your first move should be to put together a proper prospectus.
This prospectus should include a resume of your background, your education, training, experience and any other personal qualities that might be counted as an asset to your potential success. It's also a good idea to list the various loans you've had in the past, what they were for, and your history in paying them off.
You'll have to explain in detail how the money you want is going to be used. If it's for an existing business, you'll need a profit and loss record for at least the preceding six months, and a plan showing how this additional money will produce greater profits. If it's a new business, you'll have to show your proposed business plan, your marketing research and projected costs, as well as anticipated income figures, with a summary for each year, over at least a three year period.
It'll be advantageous to you to base your cost estimates high, and your income projections on minimal returns. This will enable you to "ride through" those extreme "ups and downs" inherent in any beginning business. You should also describe what makes your business unique---how it differs form your competition and the opportunities for expansion or secondary products.
This prospectus will have to state precisely what you're offering the investor in return for the use of his money. He'll want to know the percentage of interest you're willing to pay, and whether monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis. Are you offering a certain percentage of the profits? A percentage of the business? A seat on your board of directories?
An investor uses his money to make more money. He wants to make as much as he can, regardless whether it's short term or long term deal. In order to attract him, interest him, and persuade him to "put up" the money you need, you'll not only have to offer him an opportunity for big profits, but you'll have to spell it out in detail, and further, back up your claims with proof from your marketing research.
Venture investors are usually quite familiar with "high risk" proposals, yet they all want to minimize that risk as much as possible. Therefore, your prospectus should include a listing of your business and personal assets with documentation---usually copies of your tax returns for the past three years or more. Your prospective investor may not know anything about you or your business, but if he wants to know, he can pick up his telephone and know everything there is to know within 24 hours. The point here is, don't ever try to "con" a potential investor. Be honest with him. Lay all the facts on the table for him. In most cases, if you've got a good idea and you've done your homework properly, and "interested investor" will understand your position and offer more help than you dared to ask.
When you have your prospectus prepared, know how much money you want, exactly how it will be used, and how you intend to repay it, you're ready to start looking for investors.
As simple as it seems, one of the easiest ways of raising money is by advertising in a newspaper or a national publication featuring such ads. Your ad should state the amount of money you want--always ask for more money than you have room for negotiating. Your ad should also state the type of business involved ( to separate the curious from the truly interested), and the kind of return you're promising on the investment.
Take a page from the party plan merchandisers. Set up a party and invite your friends over. Explain your business plan, the profit potential, and how much you need. Give them each a copy of your prospectus and ask that they pledge a thousand dollars as a non-participating partner in your business. Check with the current tax regulations. You may be allowed up to 25 partners in Sub Chapter S enterprises, opening the door for anyone to gather a group of friends around himself with something to offer them in return for their assistance in capitalizing his business.
You can also issue and sell up to $300,000 worth of stock in your company without going through the Federal Trade Commission. You'll need the help of an attorney to do this, however, and of course a good tax accountant as well wouldn't hurt.
It's always a good idea to have an attorney and an accountant help you make up your business prospectus. As you explain your plan to them, and ask for their advice, casually ask them if they'd mind letting you know of, or steer your way any potential investors they might happen to meet. Do the same with your banker. Give him a copy of your prospectus and ask him if he'd look it over and offer any suggestions for improving it, and of course, let you know of any potential investors. In either case, it's always a good idea to let them know you're willing to pay a "finder's fee" if you can be directed to the right investor.
Professional people such as doctors and dentists are known to have a tendency to join occupational investment groups. The next time you talk with your doctor or dentist, give him a prospectus and explain your plan. He may want to invest on his own or perhaps set up an appointment for you to talk with the manager of his investment group. Either way, you win because when you're looking for money, it's essential that you get the word out as many potential investors as possible.
Don't overlook the possibilities of the Small Business Investment Companies in your area. Look them up in your telephone book under "Investment Services." These companies exist for the sole purpose of lending money to businesses which they feel have a good chance of making money. In many instances, they trade their help for a small interest in your company.
Many states have Business Development Commissions whose goal is to assist in the establishment and growth of new businesses. Not only do they offer favorable taxes and business expertise, most also offer money or facilities to help a new business get started. Your Chamber of Commerce is the place to check for further information of this idea.
Industrial banks are usually much more amenable to making business loans than regular banks, so be sure to check out these institutions in your area. insurance companies are prime sources of long term business capital, but each company varies its policies regarding the type of business it will consider. Check your local agent for the name and address of the person to contact. It's also quite possible to get the directories of another company to invest in your business. Look for a company that can benefit from your product or service. Also, be sure to check at your public library for available foundation grants. These can be the final answer to all your money needs if your business is perceived to be related to the objectives and activities of the foundation.
Finally, there's the Money broker or Finder. These are the people who take your prospectus and circulate it with various known lenders or investors. They always require an up-front or retainer fee, and there's no way they can guarantee to get you the loan or the money you want.
There are many very good money brokers, and there are some that are not so good. They all take a percentage of the gross amount that's finally procured for your needs. The important thing is to check them out fully; find out about the successful loans or investment plans they're arranged, and what kind of investor contacts they have---all of this before you put up any front money or pay any retainer fees.
There are many ways to raise money---from staging garage sales to selling stocks. Don't make the mistake of thinking that the only place you can find the money you need is through the bank or finance company.
Start thinking about the idea of inviting investors to share in your business as silent partners. Think about the idea of obtaining financing for a primary business by arranging financing for another business that will support the start-up, establishment and developing of the primary business. Consider the feasibility of merging with a company that's already organized, and with facilities that are compatible or related to your needs. Give some thought to the possibilities of getting the people supplying your production equipment to co-sign the loan you need for start-up capital.
Remember, there are thousands upon thousands of ways to obtain business start-up capital. This is truly the age of creative financing.
Disregard the stories you hear of "tight money," and start making phone calls, talking to people, and making appointments to discuss your plans with the people who have money invest. There's more money now than there's ever been for a new business investment. The problem is that most beginning "business builders" don't know what to believe or which way to turn for help. They tend to believe the stories of "tight money," and they set aside their plans for a business of their own until a time when start-up money might be easier to find.
The truth is this: Now is the time to make your move. Now is the time to act. the person with a truly viable business plan, and determination to succeed, will make use of every possible idea that can be imagined. And the ideas I've suggested here should serve as just a few of the unlimited sources of monetary help available and waiting for you!
Now you should get idea for how to raise money to start business, how to get money for business, and where to get money for my business.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Buy a Car With Low Income?

In 2014, Americans purchased 16.5 million cars. It means that 45,205 cars were sold in a day. If you look at the astounding number of car sales, you will realize that everyone around you is buying cars. If you want to buy a car but are unable to do so because of your low income, there is no need to take help from a predatory buy-here-pay-here lender. There is hope for you.
Car Ownership Programs - A Silver Lining for People with Low Income
Non-profit organizations have started car ownership programs in the country for fulfilling the car dream of people with low income. If you become eligible for the program, the non-profit organizations will provide a free car or offer a grant for buying a car.
How to buy a Car with a Car Ownership Program?
Buying a car with the help of a car ownership program can be a strenuous task for a novice. In order to make it simple and stress-free, follow the steps mentioned below:
>> Find a non-profit organization that provides car ownership program in your area;
>> Check whether you fulfill the eligibility criteria of the program;
>> Keep your financial documents and bank statements ready; and
>> Write an essay soliciting your need for a car.
What should you do if you get rejected for a Car Ownership Program?
If a non-profit organization rejects your request for obtaining benefits under a car ownership program, do not worry. You can apply with an online auto financing who cater to your needs and offers low income auto loan.
With the advent of the internet, competition has increased in the auto financing market. And, increased competition has compelled lenders and auto financing companies to open their doors to car buyers with low income.
How to obtain for Low Income Auto Loan?
In order to obtain low income auto loan, follow the tips mentioned below:
1. Make Down Payment
When it comes to buying a car, people with low income take tension of down payment. But, you need not worry about it. There is no need of applying for an outrageous personal loan for managing down payment. Also, there is no need to opt for no down payment auto loan. You can make use of your savings and put together money for down payment.
Remember that the down payment amount will lower the cost of the price, manifest the lender of your stable financial capacity and reduce interest rates.
2. Improve your Credit Score
Negative information stays on your credit report for several years. But, it does not mean that you have to suffer from bad credit score today. Here are a few tips that can help you improve your credit score and increase your loan approval chances:
1. Check your credit report;
2. Dispute all the errors that you find in the credit report;
3. Make payments and negotiate with creditors to remove the debt from your credit report; and
4. Pay your bills on time to ensure a stable payment history.
3. Get a Co-Signer
Lenders shy away from providing loans to people with low income because they fear the safety of their money. But, if you can manage to find a co-signer, the lender will be sure of getting regular payments. It is because a co-signer has the responsibility of making payments if you fail to do so.
Remember to ask someone with good credit history to become your co-signer because lenders do not accept a co-signer with bad credit history and higher debts.
Obtaining a low income auto loan can be difficult for a car buyer. But it is important not to lose hope. If you can convince the lender of regular payments, there will be no problem in getting loan approval.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Marketing Wastes - 10 Biggest Marketing Wastes of the 21st Century

Waste #1: Failure to define marketing correctly and not identifying Marketing assets already in the business.
Waste #2: Failure to execute marketing inside before going outside!
Waste #3: Failure to build a marketing plan around the THREE WAYS TO GROW!
Waste #4: Failure to have a USP - Unique Selling Proposition
Waste #5: Failure to communicate and integrate the USP - on-going sales training
Waste #6: Failure to understand the Lifetime Value of a Customer
Waste #7: Failure to make advertising Direct Response
Waste #8: Failure to leverage relationships: Inside and outside the business
Waste #9 Failure to implement Direct Marketing
Waste #10: Failure to start marketing on the Web
Lean Marketing Follows the Lean Manufacturing Example
For many years, manufacturing companies have been working to get their employees trained in "lean" manufacturing techniques. These techniques primarily target areas of waste in a manufacturer's operations, processes, equipment and labor. The objective is to eliminate waste and make the operations, processes, equipment and labor more efficient. By doing so, cash flow can improve because a company will be much better at delivering products to the customer when the customer wants it. No sooner, no later. There is less inventory on hand because the company has learned how to produce the right number of products and do so in a more efficient manner. Many times the cost of production, equipment and labor can be reduced to increase the bottom line for a company. Equipment is more efficient so a company's return on equipment investment increases. The company wins and customers win with lean manufacturing.
This success in lean manufacturing is now moving into the area of "lean" office and "lean" healthcare. Other industries are adopting many of these "lean" techniques to lower costs and be more competitive in today's world.
These same "lean" concepts can be applied to marketing. We are unique in introducing these "lean" techniques into the "top" line operations, processes, marketing resources (marketing equipment) and staff of a company. Our system seeks to eliminate waste and inefficiencies in all the marketing and sales or "top" line processes. Instead of "bottom" line cost savings, there are "top" line revenue increases which results in more profit or increased "bottom" line.
In other words - lean marketing and sales.
Business Owner Frustrations
The traditional definition of marketing has been the introduction of your company's products and services to prospective customers. By reason of this definition, business owners have pursued the "traditional" avenues of marketing. These include: Advertising, hiring more salespeople, prospecting, direct mail, referral programs, web marketing and many more.
All of these traditional marketing methods can work - but many times they don't (Don't create a paying customer) and this leaves business owners frustrated. Sometimes they have invested thousands of dollars in these traditional methods only to find out they didn't work or that in order to really work, they need to invest thousands more.
The business owners then go back to the providers of these traditional marketing methods and ask for accountability. The reply is usually something like this:
"Did the (marketing method) bring in more prospects?" "Yes, but they didn't buy anything." says the business owner. "Well, if they don't become paying customers, we can't control that - that is your responsibility" is the reply.
In other words traditional marketing method providers are not paid and do not concern themselves with what happens after a prospect is generated. Indeed there may be plenty of new prospects generated, but if they don't become customers, it hasn't helped the business owner! And, the frustration only grows.
Waste #1: Failure to define marketing correctly and not identifying Marketing assets already in the business.
The frustration grows partly because the definition of marketing is short-sided and inadequate. It is time for a new one. A new one for the 21st Century!
We have redefined marketing to be:
The introduction AND SELLING of your company's products and services to PAST, PRESENT AND PROSPECTIVE customers by first optimizing and leveraging ALL of your company's marketing assets.
With this new definition, marketing becomes concerned with what happens after a new prospect is contacted or inquires. If a business owner does not track and understand what is happening to a prospect immediately upon contact or inquiring, waste enters in.
There may be waste in that the right qualifying questions are not being asked, so salespeople spend time with the wrong prospects. Waste. It may be that whoever is answering the phone or greeting the prospect is not saying the right things. Waste. It may be that the prospect isn't ready to buy right now but might be later. The company is not tracking this relationship and the prospect goes away. Waste.
Then, if a prospect does become a customer and is ignored or not included in the company marketing efforts in an on-going basis, then the customer will not buy as much as they could. Waste. And, if there is not good customer service and the customer leaves the company there is more waste. It is ten times as costly to get a new customer than to keep one.
To eliminate this waste required an acceptance of a new marketing definition.
Too many companies separate sales and marketing. Many times the two departments don't even talk to each other. Waste. Selling is and always should be under the umbrella of marketing. Don't separate the two. That creates waste.
Because of the inadequate definition of marketing that has prevailed, business owners think of marketing assets as only their advertising or the accumulation of new prospects and new customers. This is a very short-sided view of marketing assets - a waste.
You can find a list of marketing assets on our website, blog, and in other articles we have written. These include past customers, current customers, salespeople, the company's advertising, referral programs, current sales and marketing processes, location, reputation, time in business, relationships with other businesses, etc. It is very important for business owners to "see" all of these as marketing assets. Not just those that create new prospects.
If a business owner will begin "look" at marketing in a different way - accepting the new definition, then they will begin to eliminate the wastes that occur under the traditional definition and find new sales and profits waiting for them.
Waste #2: Failure to execute marketing inside before going outside!
The traditional definition of marketing as discussed has forced business owners to always be looking OUTSIDE their business for growth.
What I mean by "outside" is working with traditional marketing resources for the generation of new prospective customers. This means going outside to find new prospects with advertising, tradeshows, web marketing, direct mail, salespeople prospecting, etc.
Because of this tendency to focus on MORE PROSPECTS with marketing, waste begins to creep "inside" the company.
The minute a prospect is introduced or inquires about a company's products or services, they become "inside" the company. Now the real marketing should take over. This is where "hidden" new sources of cash, sales and profits can be found.
These prospects are having conversations, sales pitches, etc. directed at them by people, staff inside the company. The prospects have entered the sales process inside the company.
Every business in the world has the same sales process:
Prospect created -------qualified-------presented-------closed.
There could be tremendous sources of "waste" along this process. It could be that the wrong prospects are being created in the first place. Waste. It could be that the prospect is not being qualified. Waste. It could be that the presentation made (either on-line or off-line, in person, on the phone, in an ad, etc. is not being done well.) Waste. It may mean the prospects are not being closed as well as they could be. Waste. It could mean that after they are closed, there is no on-going process of marketing. Waste.
It is everything that happens to a prospect AFTER being introduced that contains the hidden sources of new sales. It is what's happening "inside" the company that is as or more important than what is going on "outside" to generate more customers.
This approach to marketing is more "non-traditional." Most of our clients started out thinking the answers for more sales were in the creation of more prospects. But, soon, the system helped them uncover serious areas of waste and it was discovered that more sales and profits WITHOUT SPENDING MORE MONEY TO CREATE NEW PROSPECTS could be had FIRST by fixing and eliminating areas of waste. (Core Four Steps) Then, more resources could be devoted to generating more prospects because systems were in place to make certain there was no waste in the managing of the new prospect's experience. So, all resources devoted to the creation of new prospects (Big Four) were maximized, leveraged to their fullest, creating maximum profit opportunities.
Doesn't that make more sense?
Waste #3: Failure to build a marketing plan around the THREE WAYS TO GROW!
Every time I ask a business owner for a description or written copy of a marketing plan, the plan ALWAYS focuses on getting more prospective customers. This is to be done by advertising, web marketing, tradeshows, direct mail, telemarketing, salespeople, etc.
In other words, all plans are made under the traditional definition of marketing i.e. the introduction of a company's products and services to prospective customers.
As indicated already, this definition is limited and incorrect.
There are three ways to grow sales and profits for any company. They are:
1. Increase the number of prospective customers contacted or inquiring
2. Increase the conversion rate of prospective customers to buying customers
3. Increase the value of worth of each customer
The marketing plans found at most companies deal only with number one - more prospects.
All marketing plans in the 21st century should revolve around ALL THREE!
If not, there is potential for tremendous waste. And, that is exactly what we find.
All business owners should hold their "marketing"departments and Vice-Presidents to the metrics or measuring of all three ways to grow. This way, assets become optimized. Waste is eliminated. The three ways to grow makes certain that all possible sources of cash and new sales are being considered.
Business owners should receive a weekly report from marketing that gives an accounting of marketing's performance in all three areas. The conversion rate doesn't only apply to salespeople closing sales. It applies to web click through and conversion rate, direct mail response rates, telemarketing response rates, etc. In other words, there might be several "conversion" rates in a company's marketing process.
The "value" or "worth" of each customer is increased by doing more upselling on the front-end and more "back-end" selling after a prospect becomes a customer. Step number three in our system specifically focuses on increasing customer value.
The three numbers of prospect contact rate, conversion rate and value level are the three numbers a business owner should have a daily accounting for and should insist that the marketing department plan around all three ways to grow.
Waste #4: Failure to have a USP - Unique Selling Proposition
Unless any business owner or salesperson can tell a prospect in 90 words or less why they should do business with a company and not the competition, there is waste.
The USP is a selling proposition. Not a mission statement. Prospects and customers don't care what your mission is. They only care what you can do for them better than anyone else. That is a USP.
Dominos Pizza created a stir with a 30 minute delivery or FREE USP. It took the company to the top of the industry. Now, all Pizza places can get you a pizza in 30 minutes. It is no longer unique. Dominos must now create a new USP if they want to get back to the top.
What is your USP?
A USP is not "good quality" or "good service" It must be more specific and if possible quantitative. If possible, it should be as overt and significant as possible. Not found in the fine print of a warranty statement.
If you're unclear what your USP might be, listen to the top salesman in the company. They are often selling what it is customers really want.
Most companies think that "branding" is all they need to do. Again, branding is not a USP. It might be a description of your company or a position in the market your company wants to take. Again, these are not USP's. They can support and help introduce a USP, but they are not selling propositions. A USP must be able to be sold.
If a business owner is not clear what the USP is, certainly prospects and customers won't be clear. Look closely at the marketing assets of owner expertise, time in business, company credibility, to see if USP can be uncovered.
Talk to customers and ask them why they do business with you. Research and examine the competition to see what they might be selling as a USP.
However, the most important of all these is the competition. A USP is not necessarily what the owner thinks it is and even what customers might say it is. If the competition is doing it, it is not a USP. And, it must matter to the customers. You might have the most unique product available, but if customers don't want it or don't care about it, it is not a USP. Step one of our system focuses on helping a company develop a USP.
The USP is the first and most important part of any marketing plan. It must be determined first because it will then often determine which target markets should be pursued. It is the market research that should be done to understand the strengths and opportunities for the company. The USP becomes the "core" or foundation of all marketing and sales efforts.
Waste #5: Failure to communicate and integrate the USP - on-going sales training
Most of the time, a company can uncover and define a USP but then they fail to integrate the USP successfully.
Almost all USP's fall short because the salespeople aren't on board. They are not incorporating the USP into their sales presentations. A good USP integrated into a sales presentation can increase conversion rates significantly.
But, usually, salespeople go back to what they are comfortable doing.
A business owner must require the marketing department to see that the USP becomes integrated into all marketing and sales processes. This is from placing ads, business cards, brochures, displays, scripting for those answering the phone, etc. It needs to be incorporated into the sales presentations and any on-going marketing communication with customers.
The USP should be on the home page and incorporated into every other page of the company's website.
This goal of complete company integration starts with the salespeople. That is why sales-training needs to be an on-going concern with any company. New salespeople need to be trained what it is they really sell! The USP. They need to always be trained in how to qualify, present and close more effectively. The more training done in these areas, the higher the closing rate will be. The margin between the company's current closing rate and 100% is an area of marketing waste.
This is why sales trainers are paid a lot of money! They increase the closing rate for a company which translates into higher sales and profits! Less waste. When marketing is able to get sales integrating the USP, then implementation of the system is more successful. Salespeople are on the front line. They know what customers are saying and what they like or dislike. This can mean adjustments to the USP can occur regularly and quickly.
A company might have more than one USP depending on different revenue sources. USP's change. They should be reworked and looked at on at least an annual basis. The key factor in change is what the competition is doing.
Waste #6: Failure to understand the Lifetime Value of a Customer
A big area of waste in a company is when marketing decisions are made on the one-time purchase of a customer, not the life-time value of a customer.
For example. A retail clothing company might do a direct mail piece or have a catalog as a way to attract new customers. Let's say the mail piece generates 10 new customers that bought an average of $100 in retail clothing. That's $1000 in sales. In this case, the cost of the mailing, postage, printing, etc cost $1,500.
The company concludes that the mailing didn't work.
That is a waste. A big mistake. What is being wasted is the future opportunity for more customers! Why?
Let's say this retail clothing company has a great product, good customers service and on average those 10 customers come back twice a year and spend $100 each time and keep coming back for an average of 10 years! That's 20 return visits at $100 a piece or $2000. This times 10 customers is a total value of $20,000 generated all from a $1,500 mailing! $20,000 is the lifetime value of these 10 customers. Not to mention the referrals or family members they might motivate to come and start buying.
The waste is $20,000 in new sales opportunity because the company stops doing the mailing! They concluded that they lost money on the mailing because they calculated only from the first, one time purchase, not the lifetime value.
The industry that understands this concept very well is the music and DVD clubs. For $1.00 you can get 5 FREE DVD's. We all know it cost the company more than $1.00 to ship 5 FREE DVD's. What we don't understand but the company does, is the lifetime value of a new customer. They have calculated that over time, or a lifetime of the average customer, there will be additional orders on average that more than make up for a slight loss in the original mailing.
This is how a marketing budget should be determined. As long as the cash flow can handle it, more and more testing should be done and evaluations made on the lifetime value concept. Even if a company needed to borrow money to do marketing, they may find out that marketing brings a better return than any other investment the company could make. This is often the case.
This lifetime value is the same information used by manufacturers in determining to purchase a piece of equipment. Up front, they may not cover costs but over the lifetime of the equipment, the return justifies the investment. Such should be the same thinking about marketing.
Waste #7: Failure to make advertising Direct Response
In the 21st Century, the investment required for successful media advertising can be very significant. Many business owners try to do a little bit of advertising in the paper or radio or billboard, etc. but find out they don't get back any return. They become frustrated and upset.
There are two reasons for this frustration. First, there probably isn't enough advertising going on in a synergistic way that creates results. If the company is advertising on radio, they might need to do newspaper and billboard as well. If they start marketing and advertising on the web, they probably need to do off-line marketing to support it. These costs and investments can become very difficult to maintain. A huge waste of money.
The second reason the advertising falls short is most are doing what is called "institutional advertising" rather than Direct Response advertising. They are sold by the advertising agency that "branding" and "positioning" is important. They are told that if they don't advertise, their competition will and beat them to the customer. These are both possible true statements. But, not necessarily true.
Our recommendation to small business is to make all advertising direct response.
That is, make it create a response of some kind i.e. a lead, purchase or request for more information. That way, the advertising can be measured. It can be held accountable.
Direct Response is covered in step five and seven of our system. Briefly, there are several important elements that should go into every advertisement that makes the ad direct response. These elements include: Headlines, sub-headlines, good copy, offer, urgency, reply mechanisms, bonus, P.S., etc.
If a company will follow these rules, the advertising can be tracked and different testing accomplished. Institutional advertising simply tells people that the company is in business and has great service. There is no USP, offer, urgency, bonus, reply mechanisms, etc. Therefore, the company cannot measure results. A big waste.
By implementing direct response marketing into all advertising, different testing can be used to make the same dollar invested return more in leads, sales or even an opt-in E-mail database. Waste (in the form of non-producing ads) are eliminated.
Even with direct response, there is branding and positioning that can be accomplished. At the same time, if there is room in the marketing budget, branding and institutional advertising in and of themselves can be effective.
It's simply the case that most small to medium sized companies can't afford both types of advertising.
Waste #8: Failure to leverage relationships: Inside and outside the business
Whether a business is just getting started or has been in business many years, one of the biggest wastes that occurs is the failure of the business to examine how relationships with other businesses and customers can create a lot more sales.
These are referred to as endorsements and alliances. They are covered in step four of the system.
The most significant marketing asset of any business is the customer base. A business owner should know which customers can lead the business to more customers. An endorsement is secured and an endorsed mailing is sent to the clients and or customers of the company's customer. This can open the doors to thousands of prospects - WITHOUT SPENDING MORE MONEY ON ADVERTISING.
So, the rule should be to examine the 20% of customers that are generating 80% of the business. Approach them for an endorsement (of the company's USP) and work out a regular endorsed mailing. This failure to use customers in this way is a big marketing waste.
In looking at the 20% first approach those customers who are already giving the company referrals. This endorsement simply becomes a more formal consistent way to generate more referrals.
Then, look outside the company database. Look to complementary businesses that have customers or clients your company could serve.
Approach these businesses with the same endorsed mailing opportunity. Maybe you can endorse them to your customer base in return!
Don't let these relationships go underutilized - such a waste.
Waste #9 Failure to implement Direct Marketing
Throughout my consulting experience, I have come close to creating the CORE five. This would include Direct Marketing step #7.
This is because the most underutilized marketing asset in any company is the phone. It is so inexpensive yet can yield so many new profit opportunities. Any use of phone could be classified as direct marketing. It can be used to generate leads, repeat business, upselling, close sales, follow-up on prospects, etc. Yet, many companies don't use it as they should.
Much of the same could be said now for E-mails. They can do much the same as a phone - contacting prospects, following up on presentations, upselling, creating newsletters, etc.
Direct marketing includes: direct sales by salespeople, E-mail marketing, Web marketing, teleprospecting and telemarketing, direct mail, etc. These are all marketing methods that can be tested on a small scale, without risking a lot of dollars to find out which can work and which won't work.
One of the biggest marketing wastes is that companies roll out marketing in big numbers before testing on a small scale first. One Artist's marketing director invested $20,000 to print and mail 20,000 catalogs to museums. Not one sale. He should have tested with 2000 first to see if anyone was interested. This would have cost $2,000 instead of $20,000. He wasted $18,000.
There are probably staff members in every company that could test offers, etc. on the phone. Contact top customers to upsell or invite them in for a special offer. Salespeople can be calling during downtime.
Clearly, one of the biggest wastes today is that companies are not testing direct marketing on the world wide web. Waste #10.
Waste #10: Failure to start marketing on the Web
The technology of the web has evened the playing field between large companies and single owner companies. What a great opportunity for small businesses. Yet, most still don't even have a web site. What a waste.
Internet penetration is now at 69% for North America. The number of high-speed internet users almost doubles every year.
The first objective of course is to get the company a USP. From there, you can determine if this USP can be sold over the web either by providing more information for prospects to learn about your company or actually creating a sale - E-commerce.
Yet, the purpose of this section in the report is to encourage all companies that have static information websites to begin thinking about how they can make sales from their site. You can test a pay per click campaign for less money that you can do a direct mail campaign to learn the same things.
The international usage of the web is also expanding. Asia has 418 million users, Europe 322 million, North America 233 million and Latin America 110 million. With those numbers growing year by year, there could be an opportunity for any company to sell something to them over the web.
Internet marketing - is your website making enough sales is addressed in the bonus step of our system. It is important to make an evaluation of your website and have the help of others in determining how best to use the web. This is why this bonus step is also considered part of the Big Four. You'll need the help of designers, programmers, marketers, SEO experts, etc. to succeed, whether you do these tasks yourself or outsource them to others.
As long as you stay away from the web, there is waste. Even if you have a local store that sells only locally, the web resources can be a big help in creating more sales and profits. Learn how to use this technology to your benefit and eliminate that area of waste in your marketing.
I hope this free report has been of help to you. Even if you don't become our customer, you can find new cash and new sales by eliminating these areas of waste in your marketing. And, if you do become a customer, I'm confident you'll be able to systematically eliminate all of these wastes by implementing our system into your business.
Either way, I hope you'll find great success in your marketing efforts.
For 15 years we have helped businesses increase their sales and profits 25-100% or more, without spending more money on traditional advertising.
We've created a unique, non-traditional marketing system that helps companies uncover, leverage, and optimize their existing marketing assets.
Our system is featured by Dell, IBM, The International Guild of Professional Consultants and the US Department of Commerce's Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

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Everything About Life Insurance!

I want to start off this 2010 with an article regarding Life Insurance. Many people find this topic morbid but believe me when I say this contract is as important as a Will and should be taken just as seriously as health insurance. Due to the length in details of this article I have provided chapters for easy reading. I hope this will educate you on Life Insurance and the importance of its necessity. (Note: For better understanding "You" is the policy owner and the insured)
1= Introduction
2=When/If you have Life Insurance already
3= Difference between a Insurance Agent and Broker
4= Types of Policies
5= What are Riders and popular types of Riders
6= The medical exam
1) About general Life Insurance: 
This is a contract between you and an insurance company to pay a certain amount (the premium) to a company in exchange for a benefit (called the Death Benefit, face amount, or policy amount) to the beneficiary (the person you want to get paid in the time of your death). This can range based on the type of policy (which will be discussed momentarily), your health, your hobbies, the Insurance company, how much you can afford in premiums, AND the amount of the benefit. It sounds overwhelming but it is not if you have the right agent or broker.
Now many people can say that Life Insurance is like gambling. You are betting that you will die in a specific time and the insurance company bets you won't. If the insurer wins, they keep the premiums, if you win...well you die and the death benefit goes to the beneficiary. This is a very morbid way of looking at it and if that is the case you can say the same for health insurance, auto insurance, and rental insurance. The truth is, you need life insurance in order to ease the burden of your death. Example 1: A married couple, both professionals that earn very well for a living have a child and like any other family has monthly expenses and 1 of the couple has a death. The odds of the spouse going back to work the next day is very slim. Odds are in fact that your ability to function in your career will lower which RISK the cause of not being able to pay expenses or having to use one's savings or investments in order to pay for these expenses NOT INCLUDING the death tax and funeral expenses. This can be financially devastating. Example 2: lower middle income family, a death occurs to 1 of the income earners. How will the family be capable of maintaining their current financial lifestyle?
Life insurance is about the ability of lowering the risk of financial burden. This can be in the form of simple cash or taxes via estate planning.